Category «Language Learning»

Ancient Hebrew vs. Modern Hebrew: Are They Actually Related?

Hebrew Language and History: Jerusalem

Since the dramatic resurrection of the hypothetically lifeless Hebrew Language in the 19th century, a period of linguistic ascendancy and relevance has ensued. The 9 million speakers of the Hebrew language evidences this at present. However, different schools of thoughts have arisen to challenge the originality of the more recent language. They have done this …

Study Aramaic Language, the Spoken Language of Jesus Christ

Stele with dedicatory lapidary Aramaic inscription to the god Salm. Sandstone, 5th century BC.

Aramaic is a language that is rich in biblical history and significance. It has seen a sustained period of sovereignty, followed by modern-day decline. However, there are several reasons why people should respect, honor, and study Aramaic Language, the spoken language of Jesus Christ. Aramaic should be preserved because it is on the brink of …

Basic Biblical Hebrew: Beginners Making Great Strides

Ancient Jewish Written Parchment

Believers all over the world, in search of a deeper understanding of God, have seen the need to start the quest for learning the exact words that God said and not the translated version. With basic Biblical Hebrew, beginners can now reach their objectives. Every journey begins with a decision, and then the first few …

How to Improve My English Vocabulary?

Young People

English can be a very difficult language for many to grasp. You have so many idioms, contractions, and even the fact that some words are spelled the same, but pronounced completely different. It can be easy to lose track of grammar rules and sentence structure. You may even be asking yourself: “Can I really learn …