In What Language Was the Old Testament Written?

Reading the Hebrew Scripture with a Magnifier

As the Bible we know today comes in several different languages, one common question tends to cross people’s minds from time to time. People often wonder in what language was the Old Testament written. To fully understand and appreciate the present diversity we see in terms of languages the Bible is written in, there’s a …

TOEFL iBT Practice Test Online: Key to Foreign Student Success

Man Holding a Laptop to Discuss Project Management Questions

For regular students of English-speaking universities, the TOEFL is irrelevant. However, for foreign students who hail from non-English-speaking countries, it is a critical part of their applications. Practicing for and scoring well on this test takes time, effort, and, many times, expense. A TOEFL iBT practice test online is a cornerstone of test prep. While …

Project Management Questions

Man Having a Presentation about Project Management Questions

In the past, people used to work a long time in the same environment, keeping their jobs and doing the same things until they retired. This is no longer possible in the present world. The nature of the contemporary social and economic environment constrains companies to change at a very rapid pace. This change has …

What Is an Internet Marketing Strategy?

Hand Write Marker

As the internet grows and more and more people are relying on it when it comes to things like purchasing products or finding new restaurants, companies need to keep up with the times by developing internet marketing strategies. Traditional marketing methods are becoming less effective on their own and moving into the internet is vital …