Tag «Career Development»

Benefits of Effective Communication: Fight the Breakdown

We communicate with others constantly. How you speak, listen, act, even how you sit during an interview can show your potential employer whether or not you’d be a good fit for the position you’ve applied for. If people on your team at work aren’t all on the same page, this can create a hostile work …

Long-Term Goals: Examples to Help You Dream Big

If you are a motivated person, long-term goals are probably your reason for living. If you have generally been unmotivated or find yourself unable to go forward in life, establishing some long-term goals might be the solution. You cannot develop any short-term goals without first knowing what your long-term goal is. Do not just dream …

Career Development Plan: Examples to Help You Plan for Success

It would be nice if we could all graduate and immediately land our dream job. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The gap between where we are and where we want to be can seem like something we’ll never be able to close sometimes. Maybe you’re trying to decide what kind of schooling you need …

Education and Career

Finding a job that you will enjoy and figuring out the best way to get your education, takes lots of time and planning. Researching both careers and places of education is important. Many people think that finding a career to fit the education they are learning is the best way to start planning. However, that …