Category «Miscellanea»

Million Formula Website Review

Millionformula is an online earning website. The first and only business of its type, Millionformula gives you the opportunity to earn money by doing what you already do every day without being paid. It gives you the opportunity to make money while doing what you enjoy most—using social media. Nowadays, almost everyone uses social media …

Emotional Intelligence and Relationships

Smiling Man Holding a Woman and Carrying a Baby

Emotional Intelligence is a more recent concept in psychology. It was first introduced in 1964 by Michael Beldoch and then in 1966 B. Leuner published his paper “Emotional Intelligence and Emancipation” in the psychotherapeutic journal Practice of Child Psychology and Child Psychiatry, and received large amounts of criticism. Then in 1990, Peter Salovey and John …

Online Medical Billing and Coding Certification

Nurse Smilling

Medical billing and medical coding are both essential functions in the healthcare world. Medical billers submit claims to insurance companies, process payments, and follow up with claim disputes. Medical coders classify medical procedures, diagnoses, supplies, etc. into different codes in order to both summarize in medical reports and for billing purposes. Online medical billing and …

What Is an Online Entrepreneur? Hardworking and Self-Employed

Man Asking himself What Is an Online Entrepreneur

Being an entrepreneur – a business originator – always takes hard work and passion; it takes technical know-how, judgment, and common sense. This is the case whether you want to start a traditional business or an online business. The Internet makes being an entrepreneur more possible for more people, but what is an online entrepreneur? …

Vitality and Yoga

Woman Doing Yoga and Experiencing Vitality and Yoga

Most people want to live a life full of vitality. However, many things get in the way to allow them to have a healthy, enjoyable life. People have a wide variety of ailments, that do not allow them to thrive in their lives; anything, from toxic environments (wither it be, their living or working environments), …

What Is the Meaning of Statistics in Today’s World?

What IS the Meaning of Statistics: Roulette

In his book, The Drunkard’s Walk (Vintage Books, New York, 2009) Leonard Mlodinow confronts us with the idea of randomness and its unexpected role in our life. He shows how unintuitive some cases are in which randomness plays a great role. For example, one Hollywood movie producer maintains that if he had rejected all the …

Pain Management Training Courses

Pain Management Training Courses: Massage

Pain is a major element of many medical problems. Properly assessing where a patient is feeling pain, the type of pain, and to what degree the pain is being felt are key to your overall assessment. From there, you need to know how to manage the pain and that can be individual to each patient. …

The Argument from Design: Weaknesses and New Paths

Persons Beholding the Stars and Thinking About the Argument from Design

Many thinkers consider today –  and have thought in the past – that the so-called argument from design, as part of the traditional ontological argument, is a solid argument for the existence of God. Isaac Newton, for example, wrote in an appendix to the second edition of his Principia: ‘This most elegant system of the …

What Is Cosmic Consciousness?

Silhouette Photography of Person Asking Themselves: What Is Cosmic Consciousness?

In order to answer the question ‘what is cosmic consciousness?’ we must start from a philosophical distinction: philosophy distinguishes between the continuous character of perception and intuitions, on the one hand, and the discontinuous one of concepts, on the other hand. By proceeding thus, philosophy acknowledges that our concepts cut out contents from that continuum …

Possible Arguments Against Moral Relativism

Butterfly on Nettle

People From the Past Seemed to Be Closer to „Nature” Than We When reading Homer, you are seemingly dealing with different people. The Homeric heroes lived around three thousand years ago. On the one hand, reading the Iliad, you are terrified by the violence to which, in those times, people were exposed. – Of course, …

Project Management Research Topics

Man Listing Project Management Research Topics

Part of taking a course in project management is doing research and writing papers to dive into different aspects of project management. Your professor may offer a list of topic suggestions or you may brainstorm some in class but that isn’t always the case. If you need to write a research paper related to project …

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Requirements

Team of Students Discussing About Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Requirements

In business management, it is ultimately practical experience and performance that make you excellent. However, certifications are a great way to be sure you have the knowledge to take on a certain role. Also, certifications demonstrate to employers that you have the skills they are looking for. Therefore, if you think business management is your …

Accredited Life Coach Certification Programs Give You an Edge

Two Men Discussing about Accredited Life Coach Certification Programs

For some, the title of life coach might seem questionable. Some people might ask: Is it even a real job? Are life coaches actually helpful to their clients? If you are passionate about making the answers to these questions, yes, it is worth your time to look into accredited life coach certification programs. These programs …

GRE Test Prep Classes: Raise Your Scores and Succeed

Young Adult Writing on the Whiteboard

If you are thinking about attending graduate school you should already be familiar with the Graduate Record Examination or GRE. Not all graduate programs require the test but many in the U.S.A. do so it’s a good idea to take the exam, especially if you are applying to multiple programs. The exam covers a variety …

Online GMAT Test Prep

Student Writing an Online GMAT Test Prep

If you are applying to an MBA or other graduate management program, you’ll need to take the GMAT. This is a test designed to show admissions boards how you might perform in a Masters in Business Administration program. Your score is a key component in admission decisions and getting a higher score gives you a …

Building Machine Learning Systems: Python and Its Benefits

Source Codes Screenshot

Learning is a vital part of an intelligent system whether it takes place in human beings, animals or machines. Machine learning is a system of learning in which machines are enabled to learn without any explicit programming. Intelligent machines were introduced in the middle of the twentieth century which gave birth to a new branch …

Deep Learning Training: How to Teach Machines

Man Teaching a Computer How to Move Fingers

You may have seen a story or movie script that was written by a neural network before. But what is a neural network exactly? And how do you train a machine to write? As neural networks and other forms of A.I. become more popular, the demand for people who know how to code them is …

ACT Practice Test: Answers to Maximize Your Score

Woman Using Laptop Computer While Sitting at the Table

As a high school student, it is required that you partake in the ACT in order to attach it in your college applications. Many colleges require that all high school students pass the ACT in order to award them with admission into the university. A lot of students who are about to write the ACT …

Online Business Administration Classes: Grow Your Business

People Attending Online Business Administration Classes

Startups and freelancers are becoming more and more plentiful in the job market. Many people are realizing the benefits of being their own boss. Even if you think you don’t have anything new to offer, you may be surprised to learn that you actually do. Online business administration classes can teach you how to manage …

Facts to Know About a PMP Certification Course Online

Man Pointing at White Paper Using Pen

The internet has made it easy for us to study from the comfort of our offices or homes and without attending class. One of the courses you can take online regards the Project Management Professional Certification, also known as PMP cert. A PMP certification is what project managers need to climb up the ladder. However, …

TOEFL Speaking Practice Test Is Important but Challenging

Man,, Tech, Company and Founder

It is reasonable that English-speaking universities need incoming students to demonstrate sufficient English skills to function in the classroom. For American universities, the TOEFL is the most common English test. As a student, you have to read, write, listen, and speak effectively to succeed in any subject. Most people find that speaking effectively in a …

Project Management Professional Certification

Man Wearing Black Notched Lapel Suit Jacket

Are you a project manager or do you hope to become one? The Project Management Professional Certification is a great way to show employers that your skills and experience allow you to be a great project manager. This certification opens you up to more job opportunities and will also increase your salary. Training can sometimes …

Computer Forensics Classes: Solving Crime in the 21st Century

Man in Black Covering His Face

Technology has grown rapidly in the past few decades, for good and for bad. More advanced methods of crime scene evidence collection have allowed crimes to be solved faster and even for closed cases to be reopened and solved by using technology that just wasn’t available before. Unfortunately, technology has also been helping criminals to …

Why Play Is Important in Early Childhood

Kids in Spiderman and Captain America Costumes

Play is a child’s job, and it is one of the most important parts of a child’s development. When children play, they are able to express themselves and learn about their feelings, thoughts, likes, and dislikes. Children are also able to use play as a form of self-expression, and it gives clues about their conscious …

TOEFL iBT Practice Test: Live Your Dreams

Language School

If you are an ESL learner hoping to attend an English-speaking university in the United States or Canada, you probably already know what the TOEFL iBT is. For those not in the know, it is a test that measures a student’s ability to speak, read, write, and understand English at a university level. But how …

IELTS Reading Practice Test: Show Your Mastery of the English Language

English Language School

Students wanting to study at an English-speaking university in a variety of countries, including the U.K., Australia, and New Zealand, will have to take the IELTS at some point to show their proficiency in the English language. The reading and writing sections are particularly important, as writing papers and reading articles, peer reviews, or textbooks …

TOEFL Test Preparation: Acing Beyond the Usual

Dart, Bullseye

You may find it quite intriguing that despite several years of using the English language as a major means of communication, you are still required to take a test to prove your proficiency. Ultimately, this is not to discredit your ability or mastery of the language, but it serves as one of the prerequisites for …

Online Big Data Courses Will Make You and Your Business Competitive

Analytics Information

Data science has undoubtedly been in high demand. Companies would like to hire people with expertise in this and other related fields, but they have a relatively hard time finding qualified workers. Therefore, online big data courses are almost guaranteed to put you in demand as an employee or executive. Also, companies will find that …

German Language Courses: Germany Is a Hotbed of Opportunity

Berlin Hauptbahnhof

While you might badly want to learn German, you might also be anxious about whether or not you will be able to do it; you might also wonder what the best approach is. If you have a choice, look for something that fits your learning style. There are more and more language learning options available …

Online Yoga Training for Holistic Self-Improvement

Woman Doing Yoga

Establishing a habit of yoga practice is not difficult, but you might be wondering: what is the best way to start? If your life is hectic, if you travel a lot, or if you have an unpredictable schedule – you might think that now is just not the time. However, online yoga training for beginners …

Online Drawing Classes: The Path to Creative Expression

Person Holding a Pencil While Drawing a Cathedral

Have you ever seen a friend’s drawing and your first response was, “I can’t even draw a stick figure!” A lot of people think drawing is some sort of innate talent that they simply don’t possess, but drawing is more about practice and skill than it is about simply having a gift. Anyone can learn …

How to Learn Guitar Online: Find Your Musicality

Checking out the Guitar

Many people start learning an instrument, only to give it up before they can truly learn how to play. There are many reasons for this: lack of time, lack of funds, being unable to find a teacher that teaches in a way that suits you, having a lack of motivation due to bad past experiences, …

Understanding Personal Finance: A Short Guide for Beginners

Many people are worried about their finances. How do you set up an emergency fund, save for retirement, put money into a college fund, save up for a vacation, etc. amidst all the other expenses you have day to day? This can be made even more difficult by student loan or credit card debt. Managing …

TOEFL Reading Practice Test: The Choice of Winners

If you are not a native English speaker planning to learn the language, either for admission to a University or to work in a predominantly English-speaking country, the TOEFL test is the best place to start and this is why it is the most sought after English test. You will find many websites offering online …

Why Integrity Is Important in Business

A business occurs when an individual or an organization makes a profit based on the goods or service they offer. One of the main purposes of a business, besides making a profit, is to attract a customer base. A customer is an individual or an organization that purchases the goods and/or services from a business. …

Online Financial Planning Courses

It might involve you writing your will, to oversee how your family will survive after you go on a comma or you suddenly die. It’s a matter of spending money without forgetting what is around the corner. Probably a house that you plan to build after ten years. To get the best results, you can …

eBay Tutorials for Beginners

Over the years, eBay has evolved from a small platform where a few people met and traded collectibles to a vast online market place that now involves millions of buyers and sellers, with a turnover of a few billion dollars annually. This makes eBay a perfect place to trade and buy items for entrepreneurs and …

Benefits of Effective Communication: Fight the Breakdown

We communicate with others constantly. How you speak, listen, act, even how you sit during an interview can show your potential employer whether or not you’d be a good fit for the position you’ve applied for. If people on your team at work aren’t all on the same page, this can create a hostile work …

Online Yoga Training for Beginners

Everyone wants a physically fit body, and there are a thousand ways to achieve that. One of them is by practicing yoga. Yoga is an Indian word meaning to bind or yoke, and it’s more of a method of discipline. Today, yoga is very common. It’s a form of meditation that empowers the mind. An …

WordPress Tutorials for Beginners

WordPress is a content management system that can be used to create blogs, websites, online stores, and more. Many people know it as an easy way to build your own website without needing to spend a lot of time learning a more difficult program or hiring someone to create a site for you. WordPress is …

Economic Anthropology: An Interdisciplinary Field

Economic anthropology is not a widely known field of study; most people could only guess what it is, and most would assume that it is some sort of obscure field restricted to academia. The anthropology part might suggest that it is “softer” and less about hard numbers than pure economics. In fact, the two words …

Fun Educational Games for Kids Make a Real Difference

Many children may face a sort of polarized world: On one hand, electronic devices allow them to play addictively fun educational games for kids; on the other hand, they have toys but they may find these physical toys relatively unstimulating. Some children may even find that computer games are far more interesting than people – …

Java Tutorials for Beginners

If you don’t know what Java is, you should! It is an extremely popular programming language that is used by nearly every large business out there. It makes sense that so many employers in the technology sector have it listed as a required skill on job postings: you can use Java for a variety of …

How to Master Photography

We all have smartphones that we can take instant pictures with, but when it comes to photography and the use of DSLR Camera, everyone should learn a few tips to perfect the art. It’s both hard and simple to master photography. Simple because with curiosity, you can find out amazing features in the camera and …

WordPress Classes Online

Whether you have a business, a side hustle, a charity, or a message you want to spread: a website is a must – ideally, an easy-to-use website with a format and appearance that expresses who/what you are. While content is king, the appearance and structure make a tremendous difference, especially if the goal is to …

Basic Computer Programming for Beginners

Computers are the best invention of this world. They have made the continent a global village, of course with the help of the internet. Shout outs to tech giants, Microsoft and Google. Computers aren’t smart though. They can’t draw pictures or wash your car. If you asked your computer to drive your truck, it wouldn’t …

Importance of Effective Communication

Communication is very critical in every aspect of life. It’s through communication that we express what we feel, our needs, and our expectations. Good communication is the key to a prosperous business. In a corporate setting, teamwork is essential, and employees answer to their boss. If you run a business, you manage and instruct your …

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving

The internet has made it a small world, but ironically, we now see what a big world it really is: There is so much information, so many modes of thought, and so many valuable skills. We have all heard teachers and thought leaders extol critical thinking and problem-solving, but such skills seem abstract and not …

Project Management Certification Training Courses

Project management is, arguably, the most universally practical area of business. It involves problem-solving, efficiency, and long- and short-term planning. Every industrial sector needs project management techniques that fit its unique challenges; the good news is that there is considerable overlap between business fields: ultimately, the same general approaches tend to work over and over. …

Best Outdoor Games for Kids

For the most part, children love the outdoors; which, is a wonderful thing, because the outdoors helps in the development of children. Being outside not only helps children develop their physical abilities and health, but it also helps them develop their cognitive skills. Children are able to develop their physical abilities because they have a …

How to Learn Sign Language Online

Sign language is quickly becoming very popular in the United States. In fact, it is the Top 5 when it comes to language classes. More and more people are learning it every year, as both a second and a native language. Why is this? People want to be able to communicate with other people in …

Guided Meditation for Anxiety and Stress Relief

Anxiety and stress are highly prevalent nowadays. Many people work far more than 40 hours a week, have more than one job, have to deal with balancing work and school, need to attend to the needs of their families, in addition to a variety of other things they need to complete during the day. Money …

Guide to Business Management Classes Online

Are you feeling stuck in your day to day routine? Looking for some fresh ideas, or maybe even a career change? Change can be scary, especially due to our habitual nature as humans, but change is possible and it can be convenient. You may be wondering how this is possible, with all of the expectations …

Guide to Project Management Classes Online

Having knowledge about business tactics is extremely valuable in today’s industry. Obtaining a business degree is one of the best decisions anyone can make, as it gives them the option for a versatile career. Someone with business knowledge and experience can work as a manager in retail or the food industry, or they could end …

How to Write a Good Business Plan

A venture is aimed at providing profits by selling its products or services to its target market. Many factors determine the success or failure of every business, with current research showing that almost 40 % of new startup ventures fail during the first year of business and one of the significant factors of failure, apart …

Long-Term Goals: Examples to Help You Dream Big

If you are a motivated person, long-term goals are probably your reason for living. If you have generally been unmotivated or find yourself unable to go forward in life, establishing some long-term goals might be the solution. You cannot develop any short-term goals without first knowing what your long-term goal is. Do not just dream …

Short-Term Goals: Examples of Methods to Get You to Your Long-Term Goals

While short-term goals may seem relatively uninteresting, they are absolutely essential to achieve long-term goals. In fact, short-term goals are actually even more important in uncertain situations – where you might not be entirely sure what your big dream is or what is possible. Short-term goals can even be divided into smaller, or shorter-term, goals. …

How to Learn a Programming Language

From the way we humans have been programmed, imbibing a new element – be it, a behavioral pattern, an environment, acquaintance, language – is often the most daunting of tasks. This is why it’s often said that “change never comes easy.” And, while this is true, in recent years, there has been some set of …

Career Development Plan: Examples to Help You Plan for Success

It would be nice if we could all graduate and immediately land our dream job. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. The gap between where we are and where we want to be can seem like something we’ll never be able to close sometimes. Maybe you’re trying to decide what kind of schooling you need …

Famous Abstract Artists

Abstract art is an art form that has no exact definition; however, there are a few clear qualities that allow this type of art to be considered abstract. This kind of art does not illustrate anything that is found in the natural world. Abstract art shows that existence is arbitrary. Many famous abstract artists used …

Online Piano Lessons for Adults: An Effective Way to Reach Your Music Goals

Just the phrase ‘piano lessons’ makes many people think of young students playing boring classical music, while being viewed critically by a demanding or out-of-touch teacher. Many highly accomplished adults put anyone who can play the piano on a pedestal – partly because they cannot imagine themselves making it through those piano lessons. Maybe they …

Great Habits and Successful People Who Have Them

Success is a combination of a little bit of luck and a lot of habit change. In this day and age it’s easy to become a couch potato, but where does that get you? Most of the time nowhere, unless you’re one of the extreme few that becomes successful overnight without cause. Yes, it does …

Learning Games for Preschoolers

Development for people begins when they are first born. According to Jean Piaget’s theory, children from birth to age two are in the sensorimotor stage; which means, they use their senses to learn about the world around them. Children from ages two to seven are in the preoperational stage; which means, they are now developing …

Time Management for Work: How to Get More Free Time

Time management, for work, school, or just in general, is not a course typically taught in school while you are growing up. You may just think that it’s a skill that some people just have naturally and some people don’t. That isn’t true at all. Time management is a skill that has to be learned, …

Online Photography Lessons: Technical and Inspirational Insights

Commemorating important moments of people has been valuable to human-beings since the beginning of human existence. The invention of photography, and then the invention of personal cameras, digital cameras, and finally smartphones, has made it increasingly possible to commemorate earthshaking and trivial events alike. While snapping a photo is easier than ever, getting a shot …

Who Are Some World-Famous Tattoo Artists?

First, let’s take a look at the history of the tattoo itself and find out what it is all about beforehand, this way readers will be able to appreciate every tattoo artist for who and what they are in essence. Those who are world-famous tattoo artists are indeed gifted and blessed with a special talent …

How to Learn Python Online and Become More Tech Savvy

Python is a general purpose coding language. It can be used for nearly anything you’d need to code, like desktop applications, mobile apps, and websites. These aren’t the only things it is used for, of course. You can also use it to program machines and equipment as NASA does. Python can display images, save data, …

Famous People Who Are Bipolar: Struggling with Mental Illness

Mental illness is an up and coming topic in today’s society and receiving more positive attention than ever before. Previously, and still, there has been a stigma against mental illness, preventing people from sharing experiences. People were discriminated against and talked poorly about if they disclosed a mental illness diagnosis. More recently, there have been …

Best PMP Certification Training Online: Advancing Your Career

For those not in the know, PMP (Project Management Professional) certification is the best way for managers and other professionals to show that they have the ability to manage, lead, and direct both projects and teams. Project management can be difficult and many people who find themselves managing projects may not always have the education …

Computer Programming Courses Online

Computer programming is one of the widest fields that seems to get even better as the days roll by. This is so because in this form of programming, unlike other fields, dynamism is inevitable. New things get innovated on a daily basis as while trying to program a certain thing, you might just discover something …

Finding the Right College Algebra Tutor Online for You

Many students feel as though they will never get through algebra, and finding the right tutor can be tedious. Perhaps you are given some names, try one or two, but it all takes up time and money and is not really working. All of this can make you feel worse about your studies than before. …

Online Cloud Computing Certification Training: New-Age Business Education

Today’s job market offers a growing number of non-traditional business roles. The traditional MBA is still important, but more and more, businesses need technology experts. They need data analysts, computing developers and architects, and even electronics engineers. Cloud computing is a large sub-field within computing development and architecture. Cloud computing gives businesses considerable fluidity when …

Computer Programming for Beginners: Master Technology

Chances are you’ve heard that jobs in computer science, computer programming, and other related fields are highly lucrative right now. As technology develops, there is an increasing need for people who can continue to work with the growing needs of technology companies and of the general public, who are used to things becoming more high …

Cool Learning Games for Kids

Early childhood education is something that many parents and educators feel is important. Preschools, Head start programs, learning centers, etc. provide school experiences for children before they enter kindergarten, as opposed to just providing childcare for when parents are working. There are a variety of television shows, movies, and books aimed at helping children to …

Top Photography Courses Online: Develop Your Creativity

Most people these days could consider themselves “amateur photographers.” You, your friends, and your family members probably have a Facebook account, Instagram, or other social media account (and most likely more than one) filled with photos. Instead of going to a professional photographer once or twice a year, parents can take photos of their children …

Free Online Test Preparation for High School and Early College Students

Sometimes, placement or achievement tests are needed so that one can change high schools. Free online test preparation for placement tests may be essential to getting over these test hurdles. All-around academically strong students who are prepared to put in years of academic work have a fairly straight path; such students may also tend to …

Online Math Tutoring Programs

Math is a subject that a lot of people struggle with. For a variety of reasons, simply taking a math class in person isn’t always enough to truly learn the subject successfully. Learning disabilities, language barriers, different learning styles, and not enough one-on-one time can all contribute to a student being unable to learn and …

Arts and Crafts Ideas for Kids

For those of us out there with children, we know that finding them things to properly occupy their time is a part-time job, in and of itself. With more and more technology coming into play, one of the easiest options is to put them to use, as they are as convenient as informative. As we …

Online Test Preparation for Careers in Medicine

When someone refers to a career in medicine, the first thing many of us think of is a doctor, or maybe a nurse. However, when you consider the entire medical sector – including clinical and hospital care and administration, therapy, laboratory work, dentistry, pharmaceuticals, and radiology – there are actually over 100 different career specialties …

What is the Idea of a Website?

In this day and age, with the Internet having been completely engrained into our daily lives, its influence blanketing many facets of society, we have, in turn, become accustomed to websites. “What is the idea of a website?” you may ask. As a website creates the foundation for an idea and facilitates a digital structure, …

How to Break a Habit and Change Your Behavior

Many people form habits, and not all habits are bad habits. Many people have good habits, or habits they’ve become accustomed to and can’t imagine living without. But in some cases, people begin to despise the habits they’ve made, and try to learn how to break a habit and a behavior that they no longer …

Online Biology Courses for Beginners and Beyond

Online learning is becoming much more prevalent and accessible nowadays. Many universities have been offering online course options for years, but you can now take classes in a variety of subjects online without being enrolled in university, for a fraction of the cost of a college credit. Some courses are even available for free. Many …

Habits of a Creative Mind

Right-brained people are often seen as overly artistic, non-successful, and forever struggling as a “creative spirit.” But the truth is far from that. Everyone is meant to create, and the levels and kinds of creative minds vary — some of the best thinkers of all time have been right-brained, including Aristotle, Isaac Newton, and Leonardo …