Category «Miscellanea»

Online Yoga Training for Beginners

Everyone wants a physically fit body, and there are a thousand ways to achieve that. One of them is by practicing yoga. Yoga is an Indian word meaning to bind or yoke, and it’s more of a method of discipline. Today, yoga is very common. It’s a form of meditation that empowers the mind. An …

WordPress Tutorials for Beginners

WordPress is a content management system that can be used to create blogs, websites, online stores, and more. Many people know it as an easy way to build your own website without needing to spend a lot of time learning a more difficult program or hiring someone to create a site for you. WordPress is …

Economic Anthropology: An Interdisciplinary Field

Economic anthropology is not a widely known field of study; most people could only guess what it is, and most would assume that it is some sort of obscure field restricted to academia. The anthropology part might suggest that it is “softer” and less about hard numbers than pure economics. In fact, the two words …

Fun Educational Games for Kids Make a Real Difference

Many children may face a sort of polarized world: On one hand, electronic devices allow them to play addictively fun educational games for kids; on the other hand, they have toys but they may find these physical toys relatively unstimulating. Some children may even find that computer games are far more interesting than people – …

Java Tutorials for Beginners

If you don’t know what Java is, you should! It is an extremely popular programming language that is used by nearly every large business out there. It makes sense that so many employers in the technology sector have it listed as a required skill on job postings: you can use Java for a variety of …

How to Master Photography

We all have smartphones that we can take instant pictures with, but when it comes to photography and the use of DSLR Camera, everyone should learn a few tips to perfect the art. It’s both hard and simple to master photography. Simple because with curiosity, you can find out amazing features in the camera and …

WordPress Classes Online

Whether you have a business, a side hustle, a charity, or a message you want to spread: a website is a must – ideally, an easy-to-use website with a format and appearance that expresses who/what you are. While content is king, the appearance and structure make a tremendous difference, especially if the goal is to …

Basic Computer Programming for Beginners

Computers are the best invention of this world. They have made the continent a global village, of course with the help of the internet. Shout outs to tech giants, Microsoft and Google. Computers aren’t smart though. They can’t draw pictures or wash your car. If you asked your computer to drive your truck, it wouldn’t …

Importance of Effective Communication

Communication is very critical in every aspect of life. It’s through communication that we express what we feel, our needs, and our expectations. Good communication is the key to a prosperous business. In a corporate setting, teamwork is essential, and employees answer to their boss. If you run a business, you manage and instruct your …