Everyone wants a physically fit body, and there are a thousand ways to achieve that. One of them is by practicing yoga. Yoga is an Indian word meaning to bind or yoke, and it’s more of a method of discipline. Today, yoga is very common. It’s a form of meditation that empowers the mind. An empowered mind translates to a healthy body. What’s even good is that you can learn yoga from the comfort of your house. You can enroll in online yoga training for beginners and begin a journey of meditation.
Is Yoga for You?
That’s a question everyone thinking of enrolling to a yoga class ask themselves. You don’t have to be flexible to be perfect in yoga. You have to attend the right classes, and you are good to go. Apart from flexibility, yoga gives you more benefits such as lowering your stress levels, back pains, increases muscle tone, boosts weight loss, improves energy and posture, and much more.

The First Step Is to Get Your Gear
You only need your body to practice yoga. But you also need some equipment that you will enjoy using and create a space in your place that can encourage you to practice more. The first thing that you need to have is a comfy yoga mat and of course some yoga gear. Most yoga teachers recommend you to have a yoga mat, a belt or yoga strap, a pair of yoga blocks, and cushion to sit on.
There are hundreds if not thousands of brands to choose from, but the most expensive thing could be your mat which costs between $50 and $130 on Amazon. You can also look from other outlets such as YogaOutlet.com. You should buy a thinner mat and leave the thick ones. You can easily control your poses on a thinner mat, and they are easier to practice on.
After you buy a mat, buy two yoga blocks which will cost about $20 and a strap that costs you close to $20. About the cushion, you can use a pillow instead. You can also buy a yoga bolster if you have more bucks you can spend.

The Next Step Is to Choose Your Space
You don’t need a whole football pitch or much space, but you should still take your space seriously. That place could be your basement, bedroom, or your living room. Choose a corner where you can be comfortable and should be about seven feet square. If it’s good with you, you can create an altar of objects that inspire you to practice more.
Finally, most yogis stream a class. That’s what you will be as well. Streaming apps and YouTube are the best venues to offer online yoga training for beginners. You can easily follow all the steps from your phone, your tablet, computer, or smart TV.
Do You Have to Be a Vegetarian?
If you didn’t know, the first philosophy in yoga is ahimsa. Ahimsa means you should not hurt yourself and other beings. Some people further interpret this to not eating any animal product such as pork, chicken, eggs, milk, fish, beef etc. Whether you want to eat those animal products or not, it all depends on you.
Your decisions will probably affect others or being some personal health issues. But you should not force other people to be vegetarians because forcing people is against the philosophy.
How Many Times a Week You Should Practice
Yoga is fantastic, and you don’t have to practice every day. Exercising for one hour a week is enough for you to experience the benefits. However, you can do more than that if possible. You are recommended to practice twice or thrice a week. Every session should last about an hour or more.
Don’t worry about your schedule or constraints. You can do it at any time. The desire to practice naturally will grow as times goes and you will find yourself practicing more often.
Studying Yoga Online at Mindvalley University
Mindvalley University offers online and live curricula to its students from the comfort of their homes. They accept every student to explore the world of possibilities, overcome their fears, and enjoy some adventurous experiences. The institution accepts students from all over the world.
The institution’s goal is to connect all their students and focus them towards one goal which is to grow. They offer dynamic courses, which include yoga, that are life-changing. What’s more, you can study regardless of your age or whether you already have a family or not.
Their textbooks are online to help you grasp your courses more efficiently.
The lecturers from the university have a lot of experience in what they are teaching. Some of them are legends, while others are best-selling authors.
In short, these brilliant minds will inspire and transform you into something you only dreamed of.
What Midvalley Says About Yoga
According to research, people who don’t practice yoga look at those practicing and think that since they aren’t doing it, they are not slim enough, young enough, flexible enough, they aren’t disciplined or don’t have enough time. If you are someone who thinks this way, you should know you are enough.
For that reason, you can also lock yourself into lifelong yoga practice and achieve all those incredible rewards you see in other people. Mindvalley is able to provide you with 21-days yoga quest. The quest is for everyone including those who think they are old, unfit, too busy, and out of shape.
You probably don’t know that yoga gives you more than just a sexy body when you practice in the right way. Forget about the sexy women showing off their yoga on Instagram and Facebook. It doesn’t stop with a sexy body. In fact, yoga balances your body, mind, heart, and soul. You can start by considering yoga as not just a workout, but also a work-in.
Other workouts don’t offer this kind of balance and people are forced to sacrifice one form for another’s wellbeing. For example, some people are well-built but haven’t read a book in years. There are also many people who read a lot but don’t take care of their bodies physically.
It’s the same case for some people that possess a strong spiritual practice but struggle to show up or perform in the real world. The good thing about yoga is that you will have them all.

Top Yoga Instructors
After you join the quest, you will be guided by nine experienced yoga instructors each with their own unique approach to yoga. The first instructor that you will meet will be Cecilia Sardeo who has helped many people reap the rewards of yoga.
With Cecilia are other yoga instructors with a fantastic history. Some of them are Richard Schultz, Dashama Gordon, and Erin Motz. It would be impossible to learn yoga from all the instructors in a unified curriculum. Mindvalley Yoga offers you an affair enrollment price.
Cecilia Sardeo is the top instructor and is the co-founder of Mindvalley’s Zenward, which is a thriving online community of yoga, both newbies and seasoned yogis. All yogis from around the world learn one or many things from Cecilia. Cecilia learned yoga from her father when she was just a child. She gave up on the ancient art the moment she became an adult to focus on her career and pursue her endeavors.
After years of work, and 28 years old, Cecilia discovered that she was overweight with 44 pounds. She also found that she was stressed with life. Then she thought about yoga which she had ignored for years. She completed a yoga teacher certification that lasted for 500 hours and while doing so, she discovered some amazing techniques that helped her lose the excess weight and have a healthy life once again.
Cecilia is a certified yoga instructor in Mindvalley, and her passion is to share the love she has for yoga with the world and also help others despite their age, experience, and background. She is determined to see them reap the benefits of yoga. Some of the students have stated that Cecilia has helped them connect to the meaning of this ancient art while others have described her as engaging.
What Do You Achieve from Mindvalley Yoga Quest
The quest is full of fun and for the 21 days, you are under Cecilia’s watch. After Cecilia, the other eight instructors pick you from there and take you through 20-30 minute sessions on a daily basis. Whether you are a beginner or experienced, you get step by step guidance and love needed to make your life better.
You can secure your spot by paying with your credit card or PayPal. After you click the add to cart button, you will be transferred to a secure order page, complete the order and Mindvalley will send you an email with your logins. After enrolling, some of the benefits you will get are community support, on and off the mat sessions, a daily yoga practice, and customer support.
You should never look down on yourself or think of yourself as inferior. All those people who practice yoga are like you, and you can also practice it as well to reap the benefits that come with it. Look for experienced instructors like Cecilia and learn yoga at the comfort of your home.