Learning another language is always a great and noble deed. The thought of it can be very exciting and at the same time scary. This is because learning another language could prove very difficult. You may have to learn new sounds, a new speaking and writing style, plus a host of other things. Now the language you have chosen (or will choose after this article) is Hebrew. So in more specific terms, how hard is it to learn Hebrew? Well, we believe, “It all depends on your choices.”
It All Depends on Your Choices
Learning any language would actually be as difficult as your choices let it be. “Well, what choices are you talking about?” well, we are talking about the choices you have to make: what school or tutor, what teaching method etc. Now, you want to learn Hebrew, the choices you make will determine how difficult it would actually be.
Now, what if all your choices were made right? Then, learning Hebrew would become easy: way easier than you could ever imagine. But you need to make the first choice, take the first steps, and take it rightly. This is because the first choice actually would influence every other choice you get to make.
“So what could this first choice be?” it’s your choice of tutor or institution. This is where we come in. We want to help you make the choices that would make it all easy. We want to introduce you to the Rosen School of Hebrew, an online Hebrew school.
The Rosen Hebrew School is an online institution that was established with the aim of making it impossible for learning Hebrew to be any bit difficult. At Rosen, you get to learn and master the language through the help of a unique teaching method.
How Unique Is This Method?
Do you know the man Aharon Rosen (1905-1975)? Well, we doubt you do. Now let’s talk about him a little. He was a renowned tutor of the Hebrew language. He invented an extremely unique methodology that makes teaching the language way easy.
This method is like yeast in your learning dough. This is because you get to learn by speaking the language itself. You don’t need to take the longer route of translations and interpretation. This is the learning method that the Rosen Hebrew School has adopted to make your learning more efficient.
Are This Institution Certified and Accredited?
Yes, it is. Every single one of their courses is recognized and endorsed by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: the best institution in this field. This is because their curriculum has been placed on the balance and found even. The School meets up all the standard requirements that exist so far.
This means that they are thoroughly accredited and certified. It also means that you would get certified for every course you complete at the Rosen Hebrew School. Now, who doesn’t like to have another certificate?
How Good Is the Learning Environment and the Teachers?
Things are better learned together. That is why, at Rosen, they have created an online learning environment that makes learning fun and easy. You get to interact with people from all over the world as you learn.
They also have world-class tutors who have a wide experience in teaching Hebrew. These tutors are qualified to teach anywhere in the world, but they would rather teach you. The online environment and very qualified tutors make learning a fun and collaborative adventure.
Will the Courses Be Time and Person Friendly?
If there is one thing they do not forget to do at Rosen, it is putting people in the picture. They have considered everyone: from the nursing mother to the headmaster. When you log onto their site, you will discover they have you covered already. No matter your level of fluency or ignorance in the Hebrew language, the School has something that suits you in particular.
What Else Do They Teach on Their Site?
There are three other categories of courses that you can find on this site:
- Biblical Hebrew
If you are interested in reading and understanding the Torah, then their course on Biblical Hebrew is the sure bet for you. It is a set of 5 courses, in which you get to learn the Hebrew Bible and also understand its grammatical construction. This would help you understand the Torah: read it the way it was written to be read.
- Hebrew for Kids
Are your kids interested? Rosen School has a course specially designed to meet their needs as well.
- Yiddish
Just in case you want to learn to speak the language that is peculiar to European Jews, you have this opportunity too. You can learn Yiddish here on this website.
What Is the Structure of the Hebrew Course?
Learning Hebrew at Rosen is a beautiful adventure through eight levels of Fluency. Each level takes you deeper into learning the language and becoming a member of the Israeli community. As one goes through this journey, he becomes more and more cognizant with Hebrew. What is more, the course is accredited by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.
Level 1 will be a basic primer of the language. Its aim is to give you a firm foundation in Hebrew. You will start by learning the vowels, which would help you in writing basic words and in reading short sentences formatted as dialogues. After this course, you would have learned:
· Basic Hebrew words
· The alphabets, the use, and pronunciation of every single letter in the script or printed format
· Basic grammatical structures: pronouns, various prepositions, as well as verbs in the present tense and numbers.
You would practice speaking the language at the level of simple daily dialogues. Your ability to listen will also be sharpened.
Level 2 is a step up towards complete fluency. The aim of this course is to give you the platform to learn communication in the language indifferent of circumstances, e.g., speaking to the attendant at the mall. Through such conversations, you will become more fluent and confident in speaking. In this course you will get to learn:
· More words in the language
· Fluency in reading
· A bit more of syntax: question words, adverbs of time, adjectives, and pronouns.
· More on verbs in the present and infinitive form.
In the duration of this course, you will get the opportunity to practice for fluidity in the area of reading as well as writing. The exercise in this course will accord you the chance of practicing the new vocabulary you have learned in the construction of complex sentences.
Level 3 will see to it that you access better fluidity in the language. At this level, you would find it very easy to address your friends and family in the Hebrew tongue. You will get to learn:
· more words
· New grammatical structure: direct and indirect speech, conditionals, phrases of cause and effect
· Verbs in the Past tense
This level will place more focus on Israeli culture. You will be reading text that centers on the Hebrew culture as well as practice your fluidity in speaking when you get to share your opinion of what you read.
Start Exploring More Elaborated Texts
Level 4 will be the start of an expose to captivating components of the Israeli culture. You would get to read about various historical areas, characters, and communities. You will learn:
· more new words
· the use of verbs in the future tense
· An increased knowledge of grammatical structures: use of adjectives, forms of conditionals, compound prepositions, building complex phrases.
Your understanding of the Israeli culture would emancipate as you read the native literature. This is an avenue to enlarge your capacity to speak and express yourself.
Level 5 is another step forward. You will learn to communicate in usual and unusual circumstances. You will be exposed to recordings of different people’s experiences and then you will practice fluency in reading and writing as you share your own similar experiences. In this level you will learn:
· more words and syntax rules
· Different groups of verbs to develop your capacity to use these verbs in different contexts and tenses
· More elaborated grammatical structures: how to use modal verbs, what are the common time expressions, various uses of nouns
At this level, your reading will be expanded as you learn about different types of materials hereby augmenting your understanding of the language and its associated culture.
How Hard Is It to Learn Hebrew: Your Efforts Will Pay Off
Level 6 will bring you closer as you look deeper into the Israeli culture and art at a higher language level. At this point, you would reach the point where you can read texts that are written for the native Hebrew speakers. You will also learn:
· More efficient use of your over 1,700 Hebrew word vocabulary.
· Mastering the different verb groups and the exceptions to each rule
· Complex sentence composition, integrating all the rules up to this point
Also, you would be fluent enough to write about all the topics you have earlier discussed, as well as personal matters.
Level 7 is a big leap for you. You will begin to be abreast of happenings in Israel as you would be reading the Israeli newspapers yourself. You will become familiarized with Israel’s culture and society as you will know better the Hebrew literature and history.
At this level, you will be reading and summarizing parts of newspaper texts about social questions both in Israel and abroad. You will read about various topics, ranging from economics to biographies of notable figures of Israel.
Through reading, you will be exposed to captivating grammatical problems that occur in these texts, which will widen your knowledge of language’s syntax. You will also get to speak during discussions to increase your fluidity in speech.
Level 8 will see to it that you forever become a part of the commonwealth of Israel. You will be able to read the papers and listen to the news in a way similar to a native Israeli as well as communicate with other Israelis. You will also discuss specific expressions that occur in the reading of these texts, while practice writing as well. When you finish this course, you will be able to use your Hebrew with full confidence while surfing the internet.
Why Choose Rosen?
They have results as proof of their success in teaching Hebrew to different kind of people all over the world.
1. They have been operational since 2000. This attests their experience and success.
2. They have over fifteen thousand students all over the world. And you can be sure adding you to that bunch is not in any way burdensome.
3. They hold a total of 550 classes per annum.
4. They have 50 professors.
This is that opportunity you have been waiting for. Remember that learning Hebrew is just a breath of air away. Just one click can change your game forever.