Category «Language Learning»

Hebrew Language: Kids Expanding Their Linguistic Horizons

Rosen School of Hebrew is dedicated to providing an effective and encouraging learning environment for all ages and levels to learn the Hebrew language and Israeli history and culture. For the past two decades, the school has been making this mission a reality, offering top-quality courses online with exceptionally competent teachers, and making the most …

What Is the Best Way to Learn Hebrew?

The Main Language of Israel: Study Group

There are many reasons to learn Hebrew. Perhaps you are traveling to Israel and want to be able to speak with the locals. Many Jewish people do not speak the language and want to learn to feel closer to their roots. Maybe you just think the language is interesting and want to add it to …

What Is the Best Way to Learn Biblical Hebrew?

What Is the Best Way to Learn Biblical Hebrew? The Old Jerusalem

If you yearn to think for yourself while analyzing Bible passages, or if you want to really understand the experiences of historical figures in the Bible and why they expressed themselves as they did, then you should consider learning Biblical Hebrew. Very likely, this ancient language will be a gateway to areas of learning you …

Hebrew Word Pronunciation: Audio Learning Opportunities

Hebrew Word Pronunciation Audio Learning Opportunities in Jerusalem

When learning any new language, it is important to start with the basics, add regular usage, contextual situations and continued exposure for gaining fluency. Those wishing to learn Hebrew for enhanced study of scripture or connection with roots seeded in that language and culture are no different. These students inherently wish to immerse in the …

Hebrew for School: Teach Your Children Hebrew

Parents and Children

Studies have shown that it is easier for children to learn a second language than it is for adults. It’s also a great skill to have either way, as being bilingual is becoming more and more useful as the years go on. Learning a new language can give your child a leg up and teach …

How to Read the Hebrew Bible

How To Read The Hebrew Bible: Hebrew Bible

Interested in learning how to translate the sacred text yourself? It’s completely possible, although severely deemed otherwise, for those not wanting to fly to Jerusalem themselves to learn. The history of the language in and of itself is extremely fascinating, and learning it can give you the ability to express yourself in ways you originally …

Bible in the Original Hebrew: Learn the Bible from the Source

Hebrew Manuscript

There are many reasons to learn the Ancient Hebrew language. If you are a follower of Judeo-Christian religion, you will better comprehend the Bible by reading it in the original language it was written. The Bible in the original Hebrew reads differently than translations, and you may learn things you didn’t know before! Those interested …

How to Learn Yiddish: The Language That Survived the Holocaust

Isaak Asknaziy (1856-1902), Jewish Wedding with Klezmer Band

Just more than 600 years old, the relatively new language called Yiddish has sparked interest across the world because of its resurgence despite the most adverse of events. Hence, many people want to find out how to learn Yiddish. We hope that the following overview of its history, culture, relationship with Hebrew, and courses offered …

Ancient Hebrew vs. Modern Hebrew: Are They Actually Related?

Hebrew Language and History: Jerusalem

Since the dramatic resurrection of the hypothetically lifeless Hebrew Language in the 19th century, a period of linguistic ascendancy and relevance has ensued. The 9 million speakers of the Hebrew language evidences this at present. However, different schools of thoughts have arisen to challenge the originality of the more recent language. They have done this …

Study Aramaic Language, the Spoken Language of Jesus Christ

Stele with dedicatory lapidary Aramaic inscription to the god Salm. Sandstone, 5th century BC.

Aramaic is a language that is rich in biblical history and significance. It has seen a sustained period of sovereignty, followed by modern-day decline. However, there are several reasons why people should respect, honor, and study Aramaic Language, the spoken language of Jesus Christ. Aramaic should be preserved because it is on the brink of …

Basic Biblical Hebrew: Beginners Making Great Strides

Ancient Jewish Written Parchment

Believers all over the world, in search of a deeper understanding of God, have seen the need to start the quest for learning the exact words that God said and not the translated version. With basic Biblical Hebrew, beginners can now reach their objectives. Every journey begins with a decision, and then the first few …

How to Improve My English Vocabulary?

Young People

English can be a very difficult language for many to grasp. You have so many idioms, contractions, and even the fact that some words are spelled the same, but pronounced completely different. It can be easy to lose track of grammar rules and sentence structure. You may even be asking yourself: “Can I really learn …

Learning Hebrew: Kids Are Developing at a Fast Pace

Kids Playing with Tablets

Many activities and programs do not consider kids in their schedule, but luckily, we have found a great chance at learning Hebrew. Kids can now learn how to speak, read, and write Hebrew conveniently with an online course, which includes the most exciting experiences for them. This perfectly created animation of Israeli kids will further …

Learn Hebrew, the Language of the Bible, from Biblical Experts

The first Biblical texts found on earth are now approximately 2700 years old. Over the span of these 2700 years, the world has become increasingly polarized on the debate between religion and science. However, regardless of religious inclinations, the Bible’s effect on the fabric of our modern society is undeniable. The Bible not only serves …

How to Learn Biblical Greek: Relevant to Bible Studies and More

Learning Biblical Greek is a difficult undertaking, especially if you do not have prior ancient language experience. However, if you are genuinely interested, there are teaching courses that will show you how to learn Biblical Greek. A good course, like the one that we are presenting in this article, will be full of relevant applications …

How to Learn the Hebrew Alphabet

Hebrew culture and the Hebrew language are very interesting subjects that many people wish to learn more about. If you’re one of the people interested in learning the Hebrew language, this article is for you! In order to study them, you could go to Jerusalem and enroll in the Hebrew University, which has been teaching …

English Lessons for Adults

English is currently considered a lingua franca, a common language used to communicate between people who don’t share the same native tongue. Many popular websites and social media platforms are mainly in English, many popular television programs and films are in English, and while it’s not always possible to learn every language you’d need to …

Learn Mandarin Chinese Online

Everyone is proud of their language and culture. We recognize ourselves through that and mastery in your mother-tongue is one’s pride, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t master someone’s language as well. In fact, being multilingual is an added advantage in the job industry. Have you ever considered learning Mandarin Chinese? Well, China is …

What Is the Easiest Way to Learn a New Language?

Learning is an art that has been practiced right from the evolution of man. At infancy, we learned how to eat, drink, dance and a bunch of others. And, while some people claim to have gotten the whole process all figured out, learning is actually a dynamic concept. It varies depending on the element in …

Online TOEFL Test Preparation

An increasing amount of students from non-English speaking countries are pursuing higher education in the USA, UK, and other countries where English is the main language of instruction. Many of these students have taken English as a second/foreign language in school or have family members who speak English, and so do not need to take …

Learn English Today and Prosper

Having the ability to speak another language is a skill with immeasurable benefits. Not only does it open up financial opportunities but travel and leisure possibilities as well. Clear communication is critical when pursuing anything. Being one of the most spoken languages in the world, learning English is a pursuit worth working for. Approximately 50 …

Learn German Online, Now!

Many people need to learn German in order to conduct business with foreign companies, or would just like to be able to go traveling and not have a language barrier. German is not the easiest language to learn though; some people say it is downright difficult. There are also many obstacles to learning German. Do …

How to Improve My Spoken English

If your language skills aren’t at the caliber that you want them to be, your search history may include the phrase “how to improve my spoken English.” That is the first step: seeking assistance. You understand the importance that your ability to communicate clearly and concisely has in your day-to-day and professional life. The challenge …

Top Online Language Courses

With the cultural diversity of many countries growing steadily, language barriers have become commonplace. Consequently, more people are seeking to learn a second, or even third, language. Due to our busy lives though, many of us don’t have the time to attend traditional offline classes. Additionally, classroom lessons are often too expensive. That’s where this …